

作者:婧彦2020-12-19 20:02:40532


  Today is a young year, people want to set off firecrackers, why I dont know.

  其实我也不知道今天是小年,其实这来自一个神秘的电话。妈妈又给我打电话了,从多次经验,妈妈的电话跟笑里藏刀一样,她打电话一定没好事,我就阴沉沉的说:又有什么事?妈妈好 像很高兴:我来给你减少点作业,只用抄五篇课文了。我差点叫起来:妈,你真好!!!!哦,对了,今天小年放放鞭炮吧。我还有事,88。

  In fact, I dont know today is Xiaonian, in fact, it comes from a mysterious phone. My mother called me again. From many times of experience, my mothers phone is like a knife in a smile. It must not be good for her to call. I said gloomily, whats the matter? Mom seems to be very happy: Ill cut down on your homework and only copy five texts. I almost cried, Mom, youre so nice! Oh, by the way, lets set off firecrackers today. I have something else, 88.


  My aunt and I bought firecrackers. When we got home, we started to set off firecrackers. They were finally set off.


  The firecrackers are off. Im going to eat.


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