

作者:栀莲2020-12-19 20:04:24813


  I have read many fairy tales, and the most impressive one is Kua Fu chasing the sun.


  Once upon a time, there was a giant named Kuafu. He thought every day: every night, where did the sun go? I dont like darkness. I like light. I want to catch up with the sun, catch it, fix it in the sky, and let the earth be full of light forever. So he wants to catch the sun.


  I read this story, I feel Kuafus confidence in the goal, perseverance, he is a representative of strength. It is precisely because the ancients had these dreams that future generations will strive to realize these dreams, and we have a world with advanced science and technology.


  编辑特别推荐: 两只蚊子作文1500字向日葵下一颗心作文1500字美妙的歌声作文1500字蝴蝶的翅膀作文1500字做一个有道德的人作文1500字环保作文1500字玫瑰作文1500字我的母亲优秀作文1500字我的家乡作文1500字感恩父母作文1500字, 欢迎阅读,共同成长!