
关于面子问题 About Face

作者:珠楠2020-12-19 20:04:25657

  There is an old saying in Chinapeople need face while the trees need skin,the meaning is that Chinese people pay special attention on the dignity. Loving face is most peoples behavior, so they like to brag, they enjoy being adored by others. About the face problem, I think we should not take it serious, we are not living for other people, we are living for ourselves. The real self-esteem is from our hearts, not from other people. Chinese people like to brag, they brag about their property, hoping that people will respect him. The funny thing is that only the fake successful people will brag, the real one is silent, they keep working hard, the successful career supports their self-esteem. If we want people to respect us, we should show our reality, be nice to them, never brag about ourselves.


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