
电子书 Ebook

作者:蔚彤2020-12-19 20:04:34184

  If you ask someone that do they often go to library, I think they will answer you with no, the reason I am saying this because of the development of ebook. Many years ago, without computer, the only way to check the information that you need is from paper books, it means you need to go to the book shop or the library, while with the development of the Internet, people have access to the information very easily, you only need to click on the computer, then what you look for is in front of you. Ebook is a very popular form for reading, people can find what they want to read in the computer, like the novel story, then download. It is so convenient and fast, it can save a lot of time, we dont need to go to the library if we are busy. Ebook is a good way for reading.


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