
剽窃是可耻的 The Shame of Plagiarism

作者:鸿莉2020-12-19 20:16:58172

  In order to get high marks, some students figure out all the ways, the worse situation is to plagiarize other students hard-working. Plagiarism is a big mistake, the teachers are always emphasizing it, but the lazy students go against the rule, they want to pass assessment easily. These students should be shameful about themselves.


  On the one hand, plagiarizing means the lack of respect of other students hard-working. Students need to spend many hours and put a lot of effort to finish the paper; the outcome means their wisdom and paid, just as the old saying, no pain, no gain. While the lazy students destroy other students effort, they just get the job done without their own thinking; they can even get the more high marks. This is very unfair; every student should finish the task in their own wisdom, showing respect to each other.


  On the other hand, the students who are used to plagiarism will end up hurting themselves. If the students such behavior is found by others, they will get bad record in their files, which means they will have problem on trust issues, it is hard for them to find a job. If they are lucky to not be found, they still learn nothing, they lack of ability.


  In conclusion, plagiarism is a shameful behavior; students should learn things by their own minds.


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