

作者:梦霞2020-12-19 20:17:04298


  Economize Water Resource

  The world is not only hungry but also thirsty. However, some people are still reluctant to turn a finger to save water. Some people dont turn a tap after use, while others even pollute clean water, making the situation worse. The severe drought in the southwest China once again pushes the issue of water-saving under hot discussion.

  However, as things stand today, the reasonable utilization of water resource is more significant than before. Firstly, water consumption is soaring. The quick development of commerce and industry will consume more water for their reproduction. Whats more, the great increasing of the world population also further aggravates the situation. Secondly, due to the more and more serious water pollution, the supply of clean water fails to meet the demand.

  As a college student, not only will I save water by myself, but also I will attend different kinds of activities on water-saving. On the one hand, I will make the best of water instead of throwing clean water away at instant. On the other hand, I will call on my friends to save water and protect water. Anyway, many a little makes a mickle. (192 words)


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