

作者:婷云2020-12-19 20:02:43549

  10月3号是圆圆小姨结婚,我们全家去海永喝喜酒。小姨嫁的比较远,所以我没有看到小姨穿婚纱,真遗憾。不过小姨那天穿了红色的礼服,看上去真漂亮。中午吃饭了,好吃的东西真多,有螃蟹、甜饭 等,我觉得甜饭最好吃,吃了两块,把肚子撑得圆圆的。最好玩的是圆圆小姨和新小姨夫来敬酒,我也站起来敬酒,我和小姨还有小姨夫碰碰杯,一起喝掉了饮料。妈妈说:姜喃表现真好,真懂礼貌 !大家都笑了。喝喜酒真开心!

  On October 3, Yuanyuans little aunt got married. Our family went to Haiyong for a drink. My aunt married far away, so I didnt see her wearing the wedding dress. Its a pity. But my aunt wore a red dress that day. She looked beautiful. I had lunch at noon. There are so many delicious things. There are crabs, sweet rice, etc. I think sweet rice is the best to eat. After eating two pieces of sweet rice, I have a round stomach. The most interesting thing is that Aunt Yuanyuan and the new aunt came to toast. I also stood up to toast. I touched a glass with aunt and her husband and drank the drink together. Mother said, Jiang Nan is very good. How polite! Everyone laughed. Im so happy to have a drink!


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