

作者:歆月2020-12-19 20:02:47362

  昨天晚上我和爸爸妈妈一起下楼放烟花。为了不让我受伤爸爸买的是抓在手里的烟花。烟花点着以后,发出五颜六色的光,好漂亮哟!忽然一阵风刮过来,烟花飘过来差点烧着我的衣服,吓 的我把手中的烟花扔到了地下,不敢放了。所以我要劝小朋友和我的同学们,放炮和烟花要注意安全哟!

  Last night I went downstairs with my parents to set off fireworks. In order not to hurt me, dad bought fireworks in his hand. After the fireworks are lit, they give out colorful lights. They are so beautiful! Suddenly a gust of wind blew, fireworks almost burned my clothes, scared me to throw the fireworks in my hand to the ground, dare not put them. So I would like to advise the children and my classmates to pay attention to the safety of fireworks and firecrackers!


  编辑特别推荐: 两只蚊子作文1500字向日葵下一颗心作文1500字美妙的歌声作文1500字蝴蝶的翅膀作文1500字做一个有道德的人作文1500字环保作文1500字玫瑰作文1500字我的母亲优秀作文1500字我的家乡作文1500字感恩父母作文1500字, 欢迎阅读,共同成长!