

作者:柔采2020-12-19 20:03:08374

  最近,我们班里有许多人都在养蚕,为什么呢?原来,我们学过《蚕姑娘》课文,所以我们班里养蚕的人越来越多。连我都想养蚕了,我想看蚕变色的时候是什么样子,蚕的眼睛有多小等等,正巧,我 家后面有一棵桑树。我也决定要养蚕了。

  Recently, many people in our class are raising silkworms. Why? It turns out that we have learned the text silkworm girl, so there are more and more silkworm breeders in our class. Even I want to raise silkworms. I want to see what the silkworms look like when they change color, how small their eyes are, and so on. Coincidentally, there is a mulberry tree behind my house. I also decided to raise silkworms.


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