

作者:欢丽2020-12-19 20:03:14823


  When I was in the first grade of primary school, I walked into the school gate and saw a wide playground. The playground is wide and beautiful.

  一下课,同学们像离弦的箭冲向操场。有的同学跳绳有的同学跑步,有的同学跳绳,还有的同学踢足球叮铃铃,上课了,操场又恢复了宁静,小鸟成群结队地停在操场上寻找食物,操场 旁边的树木笔直的挺立的。树杈上的树叶绿的发亮。这就是我们美丽操场。

  After class, the students rushed to the playground like arrows. Some students jump rope, some run, some jump rope, some play football Jingling bell, class, the playground has returned to the quiet, birds in droves to stop in the playground for food, the trees beside the playground stand upright. The leaves on the branches are green and shiny. This is our beautiful playground.


  编辑特别推荐: 两只蚊子作文1500字向日葵下一颗心作文1500字美妙的歌声作文1500字蝴蝶的翅膀作文1500字做一个有道德的人作文1500字环保作文1500字玫瑰作文1500字我的母亲优秀作文1500字我的家乡作文1500字感恩父母作文1500字, 欢迎阅读,共同成长!