

作者:蔚彤2020-12-19 20:03:15218

  金色的秋天到了。秋天是个好季节。你看你看,一片片树叶像雨点一样飘落下,农民伯伯的庄家都丰收了,家家户户都穿上了长袖衣服,秋天的国庆节真美着难忘的 60周年。秋天真是 个好季节 呀!

  Its golden autumn. Autumn is a good season. You can see that leaves fall like raindrops, farmers and uncles have a good harvest, and every family has put on long sleeved clothes. The National Day in autumn is really beautiful and unforgettable for the 60th anniversary. Autumn is such a good season!


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