

作者:娅文2020-12-19 20:03:16780

  早晨,有三个小弟弟在公园里的草坪上踢足球,这时,一位小姐姐过来了,她对三个小弟弟说,不要在草坪上踢足球,踩疼了小草,小草就会很伤心的,我们要爱护草坪。那三个小弟弟就低下了头 ,对小姐姐说,我们以后不在草坪上踢足球了。

  In the morning, there are three little brothers playing football on the lawn in the park. At this time, a little sister comes here. She says to the three little brothers, dont play football on the lawn. If you step on the grass and it hurts, the grass will be very sad. We should take good care of the lawn. The three little brothers bowed their heads and said to the little sister, we will not play football on the lawn in the future..


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