
A Nice Saturday 一个美好的星期六

作者:彩薇2020-12-19 20:04:28457

  Today is Saturday, the weather is very nice. Im very happy to finally have the opportunity to go to the zoo with my parents. My parents work very hard to support the family every day, so they often do not have time to stay with me. I hope that they can accompany me to the zoo for a long time.


  Because its weekend, there are many people in the zoo. First, we go to see some birds. There are many kinds of birds in cages, I can not tell all their names. Then, we go to visit the dolphin show, the dolphin is very lovely and its show brings everyone happiness. At the end, we go to the shop in the zoo; my mother bought me a bear doll that I like very much.


  Today is a happy day, thank you my parents to giving me a beautiful memory. I hope that they can have more time to take a break and have more time to stay with me. I love them so much.


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