

作者:婧彦2020-12-19 20:02:48503

  吃雪糕,我,和姐姐,和爸爸,一起,吃雪糕,我,和姐姐,和爸爸一起,买的都是五角钱的,爸爸,就问多少钱,商店老板说:一块半爸爸就从口带里那出一块半爸爸就吧钱给商店老板我和 姐姐和爸爸一起回家了。

  Eat ice-cream, I, and my sister, and Dad, together, eat ice-cream, I, and my sister, and Dad together, all bought fifty cents, Dad, asked how much money, the shop owner said: one and a half dad will take out one and a half dollars from the mouth to give money to the shop owner I went home with my sister and dad.


  编辑特别推荐: 两只蚊子作文1500字向日葵下一颗心作文1500字美妙的歌声作文1500字蝴蝶的翅膀作文1500字做一个有道德的人作文1500字环保作文1500字玫瑰作文1500字我的母亲优秀作文1500字我的家乡作文1500字感恩父母作文1500字, 欢迎阅读,共同成长!